Articles | Volume 15, issue 3
Research article
16 Feb 2018
Research article |  | 16 Feb 2018

Carbon and nitrogen pools in thermokarst-affected permafrost landscapes in Arctic Siberia

Matthias Fuchs, Guido Grosse, Jens Strauss, Frank Günther, Mikhail Grigoriev, Georgy M. Maximov, and Gustaf Hugelius

Data sets

Sample site characteristics including mean SOC and SN for peramfrost cores collected on Sobo-Sise Island and Bykovsky Peninsula M. Fuchs, G. Grosse, J. Strauss, F. Günther, M. N. Grigoriev, G. M. Maximov, and G. Hugelius

Short summary
Our paper investigates soil organic carbon and nitrogen in permafrost soils on Sobo-Sise Island and Bykovsky Peninsula in the north of eastern Siberia. We collected and analysed permafrost soil cores and upscaled carbon and nitrogen stocks to landscape level. We found large amounts of carbon and nitrogen stored in these frozen soils, reconstructed sedimentation rates and estimated the potential increase in organic carbon availability if permafrost continues to thaw and active layer deepens.
Final-revised paper