Articles | Volume 15, issue 11
Research article
13 Jun 2018
Research article |  | 13 Jun 2018

The influence of soil properties and nutrients on conifer forest growth in Sweden, and the first steps in developing a nutrient availability metric

Kevin Van Sundert, Joanna A. Horemans, Johan Stendahl, and Sara Vicca

Data sets

The Swedish national database and R scripts with statistical analyses K. Van Sundert, J. A. Horemans, J. Stendahl, and S. Vicca

Short summary
Nutrient availability regulates terrestrial ecosystem function and global change responses, and thus the capacity to buffer climate change by CO2 uptake. Large-scale studies allow generalizing on the role of nutrients, but comparing the nutrient status among sites poses a bottleneck. In this study, we adjust a nutrient availability metric for seminatural systems, using Swedish forest data. Future studies should evaluate metric performance outside boreal forests and provide further adjustments.
Final-revised paper