Articles | Volume 15, issue 9
Research article
17 May 2018
Research article |  | 17 May 2018

A Baltic Sea estuary as a phosphorus source and sink after drastic load reduction: seasonal and long-term mass balances for the Stockholm inner archipelago for 1968–2015

Jakob Walve, Maria Sandberg, Ulf Larsson, and Christer Lännergren

Data sets

Water chemistry data 1996-2015 SLU

Water chemistry data 1968-2015 SMHI

Water runoff data SMHI

Short summary
Phosphorus (P) release from sediments can delay recovery of eutrophicated waters. For the Stockholm inner archipelago (Baltic Sea), a P budget shows that legacy P release was small and restricted to the 20 years following the large P load reduction in 1975. Current P release is largely a seasonal P recycling in oxic conditions and the area is still a poor P sink. Short P turnover time in the area means that measures binding P in sediments will not be very effective in improving water quality.
Final-revised paper