Articles | Volume 15, issue 8
Research article
24 Apr 2018
Research article |  | 24 Apr 2018

How does the terrestrial carbon exchange respond to inter-annual climatic variations? A quantification based on atmospheric CO2 data

Christian Rödenbeck, Sönke Zaehle, Ralph Keeling, and Martin Heimann

Data sets

Jena CarboScope: Atmospheric CO2 inversion C. Rödenbeck and M. Heimann

Jena CarboScope: Atmospheric CO2 inversion C. Rödenbeck and M. Heimann

Short summary
In this paper we investigate how the CO2 exchange between the land vegetation and the atmosphere varies from year to year. We quantify the relation between variations in the CO2 exchange and variations in air temperature. For this quantification, we use long-term measurements of CO2 in the air at many locations, a simulation code for the transport of carbon dioxide through the atmosphere, and a data set of air temperature. The results help us to understand the mechanisms of CO2 exchange.
Final-revised paper